VRCDN is a low-latency streaming content delivery network tailored for Virtual Reality applications.
To use the VRCDN streaming service, you must first Become a Patron with at least the “Helping out” pledge tier.
Once this is done, you can then login to VRCDN (after registering) and you will gain access to your control panel.
You land on the Home page when you first log on, for the purpose of the Getting Started guide, we will get you up and running with a Live stream.
On the Live page you will find the ingest Server address and your Stream Key. You will need both of these for sending a video stream to VRCDN from your encoding software. For the purpose of this guide we will use OBS Studio.
As instructed on this page, if using this for VRChat, you will want to copy the RTSP URL when playing the stream inside a world. Let's make a note of it for later!
At the bottom of the Live page you will find the Preview button, which will load an HTML5 player of the stream that is being sent. You can use this to confirm the stream is succesful before attempting to load it in-game.
After opening OBS Studio, clicking on Settings > Stream, you will be able to enter a custom Service with the VRCDN Ingest Server details from your Live control panel page.
Under Settings > Output, it's advised to use Advanced for the Output Mode as shown in the picture below, for more control over the stream settings.
It is recommended to use 3500 Kbps for bitrate (up to a maximum of 6000 kbps), and a Keyframe Interval of 1 second is required otherwise the video may be “glitchy" in some VR platforms.
After confirming the changes, you can now Start Streaming, and you should see a successful set up of the stream with no errors.
You can verify the health of the stream, by looking at View> Stats, in order to confirm if there any dropped frames, either from rendering, encoding or the network.
Once the stream is active, you can now load it in-game.
Ensure that you are using a Video Player that uses the AVPro component, in most cases this is known as “stream mode” on a number of prefabs available for VRChat.
Additionally any available option to enable “low latency mode” on the the AVPro Video Player component will need to selected, in order to benefit from VRCDN's low latency.
Enjoy your stream!
Private streams are similar to your main live stream but it's URL can be randomised before streaming. The steps for broadcasting and viewing a private stream is the same as it is for broadcasting and viewing your live stream, please refer to that documentation above.